Category: Audio

Some audio recorded around 3:32 AM

My security camera has a microphone and it recorded the below around 3:32 AM. I think the microphone on it distorts stuff. So that’s one way paranormal sources can get audio that sounds like something it isn’t. There’s nothing in the video, at least I didn’t see anything. It’s easier to hear some of them […]

Published on: 19 February 2022
Posted by: Tom

What the “screaming” sounds like on Blackwell Ghost

I forgot which Blackwell Ghost had the “screaming”. Might not be screaming, as the above was a burp, but sounds similar to what was on Blackwell Ghost. I accidentally made it by plugging in a microphone and having the volume for it at 100%. It’s supposed to work with phones, but the Apple lightning to […]

Published on: 5 January 2022
Posted by: Tom